Some tense moments in the Village of Homer yesterday afternoon. But things are quiet today. A man was spotted mid-afternoon walking in the village business district. He had a rifle clearly visible, slung across his chest.  He also carried two handguns on his belt.

Calhoun County Sheriff’s Deputies and other law enforcement departments responded. At the same time, a call was made to Homer Community Schools about the situation.  The district schools immediately went into lockdown mode.

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Deputies arrived on scene and didn’t have any trouble locating the man. As they approached, the man began recording the encounter. He told deputies he was conducting what he described as a "2nd Amendment Audit".

But there was no aggression displayed. Once deputies explained to the man that his actions were causing problems for the local schools, and the village in general, they describe his actions at that point as "cooperative".Deputies are not saying exactly what the cooperation amounted to.

A follower of the Homer school district’s Facebook page described seeing a deputy place a firearm into a patrol cruiser. Homer schools reopened from the lockdown and released students. The incident happened mid-afternoon at the end of the normal school day.

There were some additional issues for the district to deal with throughout the day.  Homer Community Schools got word from the Calhoun County Public Health department of two new COVID-19 virus exposures.

The district reports those involved including potential contacts, are being directed by the health department on what they need to do. In the meantime, all the district schools have been cleaned and disinfected.

Homer Community Schools are open for normal class schedules today.

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