Portage School Official Dies Shoveling Snow
Many of us know and for those who do not I wanted to write this piece. Shoveling snow can be dangerous in more ways than you think.
Many probably believe the only danger in shoveling snow is slipping or falling and breaking a bone or hurting your back or neck. Well there are even greater dangers and that is dying.
Mlive is reporting and I am very sad to report that the Michael Westbrook, the transportation director for the district of Portage Public Schools died last Saturday shoveling snow.
Portage Public Schools Superintendent Mark Bielang sent a letter to parents and staff stating the following:
Although many of you may not have known him, Mike’s work impacted every student who rides a bus in the district…He was masterful at the logistics of creating bus routes that ensured students arrive to school and events safely and on time. He often went out of his way to make sure students with special needs or circumstances were cared for so they arrived at school safely and comfortably. He made sure all PPS bus drivers are well trained…Mike will be greatly missed…He was an outstanding individual who cared for his staff, drivers and was dedicated to the more than 5,000 students who ride the bus every day.
The snow last Saturday was not only quite deep, especially in the Portage area but also pretty heavy.
So please everyone just be aware or try to remember that shoveling snow can be more dangerous than just breaking a bone or hurting your back. Especially us men who think we are as strong and healthy as we were when we were younger. I can include myself in that one.