Rep. Hall votes to cut taxes for Michigan’s senior citizens
State Rep. Matt Hall today voted to cut taxes for senior citizens and repeal Michigan’s pension tax.
“This tax was a bad idea when it was enacted in 2011, and it remains a bad idea to this day,” Hall, of Emmett Township, said after he and the House Tax Policy Committee voted to advance the repeal proposal. “But now there’s some good news. Our vote today starts us down the road to doing the right thing and providing senior citizens with well-earned, desperately needed tax relief.”
The Tax Policy Committee’s vote advances the bill – one of the first introduced in the 2019-20 session – to the House Ways and Means Committee for further consideration.
House Bill 4006 would eliminate the pension tax approved in 2011, re-establishing Michigan’s previous retirement tax structure. Public pensions would be exempt from taxation and other retirement income would have higher deductibles for state income taxes. Social Security income would continue to be exempt.
The proposal also would eliminate Michigan’s current, complex three-tiered retirement tax structure – which now has different rules for taxpayers depending on what year they were born.
Hall – who joined the state House in January – said he will advocate for broader tax relief for seniors and all Michiganders.
“Government must become more limited, efficient and effective so taxpayers can get the relief they deserve,” Hall said. “This bill approved today is a step in the right direction.”
Hall represents portions of Calhoun and Kalamazoo counties in the House.