Another great slice of Americana, as the Marshall Rotary Band staged another old-fashioned Fourth of July concert inside the "circle" in Marshall, next to the the Brooks Memorial Fountain. Check out the videos and see if you recognize anyone!

At 10am, the parade started around the traffic circle, with dogs, kids on their bikes with wagons decorated like mini-floats, and their parents and grand parents---all decked out in red, white and blue.  (Well, mostly red, being in Marshall and all).



After the parade, the Marshall Rotary Band played for more than an hour.  This is one of the top community bands around.  As always, they had a great selection of patriotic music, marches, and they also honored members of the armed services.  As the band played the them of each branch of service, the various members stood and were applauded by the huge crowd.

During the concert, the audience walked across the street to buy grilled chicken dinners, and the weather was perfect.   What I love is seeing a whole community come together to celebrate what America is all about and then, heading out for a full day of whatever else they had planned.   If you haven't made it before, I highly recommend it for next July 4th.


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