Tuesday nights Battle Creek City Commission meeting was more of a celebration than a typical meeting as Mayor Behnke presented proclamations. One of those proclamations in honor of Kellogg's 114 years in the "Cereal City".
Less than a week after a drawn out process to select the city's next mayor, Deb Owens tells WBCK the process should, at least, be reviewed.
"I do not like that system," Owens said on The Richard Piet Show Monday morning on WBCK, referring to the process of choosing a mayor in Battle Creek that involves newly elected city commissioners voting among themselves to choose a mayor and vice ma
It took 14 votes among commissioners Wednesday night to elect a mayor, and when it was over, Mayor Dave Walters apparently relented and changed his vote in order to clear the way for Vice Mayor Deb Owens to assume the mayoral role in Battle Creek...