Michigan Has Been Falsely Reporting Unemployment Rate All YearMichigan Has Been Falsely Reporting Unemployment Rate All YearThat certainly was quite a red flag!RenkRenk
Unemployment Coming To An End For 400,000 MichigandersUnemployment Coming To An End For 400,000 MichigandersMichigan unemployment is about to end for around 400, 000 Michiganders very soon, federal benefits expire Sept. 4th Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
Michigan Unemployment Open For AppointmentsMichigan Unemployment Open For AppointmentsIf you collected unemployment, let's hope you will never have to again, but if you do, the good news is The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency will be open for in-person appointments at 12 of its offices starting June 30thCadillac JackCadillac Jack
Lucrative Careers In 2021: The 10 Highest-Paying Jobs In MichiganLucrative Careers In 2021: The 10 Highest-Paying Jobs In MichiganSome of us used 2020 to make career changes, others are just getting started. Wherever you are in your career path, Michigan is full of opportunities.Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Michigan Grocery Stores Stay Open Yet Unemployment Agency Closed?Michigan Grocery Stores Stay Open Yet Unemployment Agency Closed?It really makes you think.RenkRenk
How Is The Federal $300 Unemployment Bump Affecting Local MI Biz?How Is The Federal $300 Unemployment Bump Affecting Local MI Biz?I was sent a picture of exactly how the Federal bump is hurting businesses here in Southwest Michigan.RenkRenk
Is It Time For MI To Reject The Extra $300 In Fed UnemploymentIs It Time For MI To Reject The Extra $300 In Fed UnemploymentHow much are Michiganders on unemployment receiving per hour?RenkRenk
Get Ready Prove Work Searches for Unemployment Benefits in MichiganGet Ready Prove Work Searches for Unemployment Benefits in MichiganIf you're collecting unemployment in the state of Michigan, you will soon have to prove that you're actively searching for work.Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
Michigan Offering a ‘Return to Work’ Grant of $1k to UnemployedMichigan Offering a ‘Return to Work’ Grant of $1k to UnemployedAs part of a much larger relief bill, Michigan may be offering grants of up to $1,000 for those who rejoin the workforceChelsea RoseChelsea Rose
Tax and Stimulus Check Questions AnsweredTax and Stimulus Check Questions AnsweredIRS offers ideas to speed up checks, filing, and save you moneyTim CollinsTim Collins