We have learned a lot about ourselves since the beginning of 2020, haven't we? A lot of us did a lot of self-reflecting and figured out the things we truly want in this life, some of us may have even decided to make some career changes.

While some made career changes, there are still people out there looking to get their careers started. Whether that's doing what you truly love, doing what will make you the most money or really lucking out and finding something that is both, Michigan is a great place to do it!

Where To Work In Michigan

Now, we all know the pandemic has really affected employment all over the United States and here in the Mitten.

However, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows Michigan's employment rate has been steadily rising back up since a sharp decline since March of 2020 and the unemployment rate has been steadily declining.

As of April 2021, Michigan's unemployment rate was about 4.9% as compared to 23.6% in April of 2020.

With that being said, there are a lot of great opportunities and companies to work for here in Michigan and "Career Expert" website, Zippia, did look into "The 100 Largest Companies in Michigan for 2021."

Those companies included the heavy-hitters we are so used to hearing about like our largest company, Ford Motor Company, as well as General Motors, Meijer, Kellogg’s and more (CLICK HERE for Zippia's full report).

What Fields Make The Most Money

While we have our fair share of large companies in Michigan, what jobs or careers pay out the highest salaries?

Let's take a look:

Top 10 Highest-Paying Jobs In MI

A look at the highest-paying jobs in Michigan for 2021 according to data obtained by career resource website, Zippia.

If you don't see your job or one you thought would definitely make enough to be ranked SOMEWHERE, Zippia does have 90 more jobs to see their average salaries as they found "The 100 Highest Paying Jobs In Michigan For 2021."

How they determined this was by looking at data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics where they compared all 688 "job classifications" here in Michigan and found the ones that get paid the most.

The Job-Front From Here...

I think our companies and workplaces have found out things that are really working for them and their employees and the things that are not.

Who is to say what kind of careers we are limited to? Where we are limited to working from?

Some companies may just stick with remote work, who knows!?

Here are some remote jobs that actually do pay pretty well (maybe not in the top 10 but definitely worth a shot...):

READ MORE: See 50 remote jobs that can pay well

And here are some jobs that could just up and disappear:

Beware of These 50 Jobs That Might Vanish in the Next 50 Years


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