The Hooded Apparition of Wayne County, MichiganThe Hooded Apparition of Wayne County, MichiganA cloaked ghost wearing a single glove roams the streets of Trenton...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Haunting of Bois Blanc Island, MichiganThe Haunting of Bois Blanc Island, Michigan"Some rumors say it's the spirit of John Dillinger, who once had a cabin on the island he used for a hideout....."John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Ghost of Baker Road: Montcalm County, MichiganThe Ghost of Baker Road: Montcalm County, MichiganPeople who have driven that road at night claim to have seen an apparition floating down the road, odd orbs, and flickering lights.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Do Spirits From the Civil War Haunt This Eaton Rapids Museum?Do Spirits From the Civil War Haunt This Eaton Rapids Museum?Visitors to this museum believe they have encountered spirits of Civil War soldiers. Click in for some details...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Buggy Woman Ghost of Crawford Road Bridge: Cass City, MichiganThe Buggy Woman Ghost of Crawford Road Bridge: Cass City, MichiganOn a foggy night during summer, you can hear faint cries for help coming from the former bridge area...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Haunting of the Whaley House: Flint, MichiganThe Haunting of the Whaley House: Flint, MichiganThe deaths of Robert & Mary Whaley were both unexplained. Investigated as suicides and/or murder, there were no conclusions...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
HAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Ghosts of the Old LaMar Hotel, Grand RapidsHAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Ghosts of the Old LaMar Hotel, Grand RapidsBar, Blues, and Brothel. Apparitions, handprints, strange sounds & odors, and more weird stuff going on here. Here are some details...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
“I Want Out…Let Me Out!” – Haunted Furniture Shop: Marquette, Michigan“I Want Out…Let Me Out!” – Haunted Furniture Shop: Marquette, MichiganAn old furniture building in Marquette may hold a morbid secret...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
A Farmer and His Wife Haunt Their Former Home: Allen Park, MichiganA Farmer and His Wife Haunt Their Former Home: Allen Park, MichiganTheir images have also appeared in photographs taken within the house.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
HAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Little Ghost of Marquette Harbor LighthouseHAUNTED MICHIGAN: The Little Ghost of Marquette Harbor LighthouseThe apparition of a little girl gazes out over Lake Superior looking for...what?John RobinsonJohn Robinson