Turkey flavored Pringles?
I have reported about Faygo Pop flavored beer and scented candles now we learn of turkey flavored Pringles. What is going on with these combinations?
According to reporting in Mlive Battle Creek-based Kellogg's announced on Nov. 5 that they will be offering three Thanksgiving dinner flavored Pringles this holiday season. Those flavored Pringles will be Turkey, Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie. They choose these flavors because they stated that of the apparently eight Thanksgiving flavored Pringles chips they produced for sale in 2017 these three were the favorite.
I had no idea that there were 1 let alone 8 flavored Thanksgiving Dinner flavored Pringles last year, did you?
Yuvraj Arora, senior vice president of marketing for Kellogg's U.S. Snacks division was quoted in the article stating:
When we launched Pringles Thanksgiving Dinner last year, it was so exciting to see Pringles fans' positive reactions celebrating how insanely accurate the flavors were…We knew that we had to get Pringles Thanksgiving flavors in more people's hands this year--particularly hearing that Turkey, Stuffing and Pumpkin Pie not only were delicious, but truly tasted like the real deal.
I would certainly be interested in how well these flavors sell. Do these Thanksgiving dinner flavored Pringles sound good to you? Are you going to try them? If you do try them please let me know how they taste, did they taste like they were supposed to and did you like them.
They are only available for a limited amount of time so grab them if they sound appealing to you.
Sounds like you could eat your Thanksgiving Dinner flavored Pringles and wash them down with Faygo Pop flavored beer and fill your home with Faygo scented candles while watching the football games on Thanksgiving Day.
That should certainly take you back to childhood when you probably did drink Faygo Pop and eat Pringles.