Are Fireworks Appropriate For Memorial Day?
For the last two years on Memorial Day at around sundown, I've heard something that doesn't sound right. Someone, or a group of people, are shooting off dozens of higher grade fireworks in the neighborhood. My first thought is this is not the right holiday for fireworks. I channel it to other frustrations of people not "getting" what Memorial Day is about such as saying "Happy Memorial Day", thanking living veterans for their service, etc. I figured they were capping their carefree day of barbecue and beer with the recreational explosives.
I went to social media to ask others what they think about the issue. It was virtually unanimous that people agreed it is not appropriate. A lot of people also say they have been hearing more fireworks on Memorial Day in recent years than they had in the past. But could there be a reasonable reason for this?
Rachel Moeller is a Michigan native and military wife who currently lives in Tennessee with her husband and children. They live in a community heavily populated with military families at nearby Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
So as a military wife... and not only one that has a significant number of fellow wives & friends grieving on this day, (but as a person who has been stationed in the south the last several years, where we light fireworks for EVERY occasion)... I haven't heard any here at all. No fireworks. Not a thing. That would be a bit inappropriate given the military base. BUT... you never know. If it is someone lighting them off again this year in the same spot... maybe it is someone honoring a fallen love one the best they know how. You never know. - Rachel Moeller (Clarksville, Tennessee)
I would love to learn that these people were indeed honoring a close one with the fireworks. But even then, if you were grieving someone lost at war, hearing explosions suddenly would not help your state of mind, would it?
Here is some more feedback. What are your thoughts on this issue? Feel free to share your opinions in the comments section for this article on Facebook.
Disrespectful. But then so many don't look at the true meaning of the holiday either. - Megan Malie Mead (Battle Creek, Michigan)
I have been hearing them all weekend ??? It is crazy :( - Allison Misner Jones - Battle Creek, Michigan)
Yeah people don’t seem to understand what this holiday is. I see people tagging (still living) veterans on FB and thanking them for their service...and wishing them a happy Memorial Day. Uhhh.... - Becky Slater (Portage, Michigan)
I figured I was the only one upset by this, not the holiday for fireworks. - Dawn Marie Arnold (Battle Creek, Michigan)
I was just considering posting something about this myself. There's fireworks going off all over our neighborhood here in Lakeview. Seems to me about as respectful as wishing people a "happy" Memorial Day. - Steve Nelson (Battle Creek, Michigan)