Sounds like an explosive relationship between this landlord and renter...

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Have you ever had a disagreement with a landlord? Did it ever get to THIS point?

A Lawton landlord is facing charges after sticking a box of fireworks to the underside of a truck owned by one of her tenants.

According to WWMT-3, court records show that 69-year-old Nancy Johnson admitted to Michigan State Police she drove to her tenant's place of work, a Kalamazoo grocery store, and attached a box of fireworks to the underside of his truck with a magnet.

She reportedly told police the tenant owed her money and she was just trying to scare him.

According to the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, July 2021 security footage from the D&W Fresh Market on Parkview Ave. shows Johnson in the act.

WWMT-3 reports that the fireworks were later discoved by the tenant's girlfriend. The tenant told police he suspected his landlord was responsible and that she'd threatened the couple before. He says Johnson sent him the below text:

I hope your girlfriend doesn't get into an accident and that accident happens on July 4th when things go boom.

Johnson has been charged with sending explosives with the intent to frighten. If convicted she faces up to five years in prison.

The latest update is that Johnson waived a Feb. 22 preliminary examination hearing and the case has been bound over to Kalamazoo County Circuit Court. Johnson is currently out on a $1,000 personal recognizance bond.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

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