Voters in Calhoun County will be voting on a variety of different proposals when they head to the polls Tuesday, August 7.

The following proposals are municipality specific, so you may not see any of them on your ballot, depending on where you live. The list we’ve compiled includes summaries of the proposals; for the complete ballot language for all of these, follow the link to the Calhoun County Clerk’s Office below.




 Albion City-Recreation Millage Proposal

Should the City of Albion increase their millage to two mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) for three years (2019-2021) for the purpose of continuing to operate recreation programs? The levy would raise an estimated $172,000 within the first year, and would raise the millage by .5 mills.

Albion Township-Road Millage Renewal Proposal

Should the previous millage of one mill (.9721 mills after required millage rollbacks) for the purpose of constructing and maintaining roads be renewed for another five years (2018 through 2022)?

Bedford Charter Township-Fire Department Millage Proposal

Should the Charter Township of Beford levy a millage of up to two mills for the next 15 years (2018 through 2032) for the purpose of fire department use? One mill would be allocated for funding the operation and maintenance of the fire department, while one mill would go towards maintaining and acquiring fire and rescue vehicles and equipment.

Burlington Township-Renewal Millage for Township Fire Operating Purposes Proposal

Should the previously expired 1 mill millage for fire department operation be renewed again at 1 mill, for four years (2018 through 2021)?

Eckford Township-Renewal for Fire Millage Proposal

Should Eckford Township renew their millage at 1 mill for the years 2018 through 2027 for the purpose of providing fire protection?

Fredonia Township-Fire Equipment Millage Proposal

Should Fredonia Township implement a .5 mill increase for eight years (2018 through 2025) for the purposes of purchasing firefighting tools and gear, not including fire trucks?

Marshall Township-Road Improvements Bond Proposal

Should Marshall Township borrow $5,915,000 to cover their portion of a road repair plan? This bond would cover 50% of the road improvement project; the other 50% would come from the County. The estimated 2019 millage if this is approved would be 3.3930 mills; it's expected to take 15 years to pay off the bond.

Pennfield Charter Township-Public Safety Millage Renewal Proposal

Should Pennfield Township renew their previously expired millage of 4.5 mills (4.4671 mills after required millage rollbacks) for 8 years (2018 through 2025)? The millage would cover the cost of police and fire protection.

Tekonsha Township-Library Millage Renewal Proposal

Should Tekonsha Township renew their millage of 1 mill (0.9570 mills after required millage rollbacks) for the purposes of providing library services? The millage would be levied for 20 years (2019 through 2038).

Burlington Village-Proposal to Restore Authorized Operating Millage

Should the Village of Burlington increase their 9.8043 mills millage to 12.5 mills? A millage of 12.5 mills had been established previously, but was reduced due to required millage rollbacks. The operating millage covers general expenses for the village.




Hastings Area School System (Bedford Charter Township Precinct 1)-Bonding Proposal

Should the Hastings Area Schools borrow $11,100,000 for the purposes of remodeling school buildings, roof replacement, installing instructional technology, purchasing school buses, and improving high school athletic facilities? The estimated average annual millage to pay this bond is 1.54 mills.

Lakeview School District-Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Should the Lakeview School District renew their 18 mills millage on non-principal residences and other exempted properties for 6 years (2019 through 2024) for general operating funds?

Litchfield Community Schools (Homer Township)- 1. Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Should the Litchfield Community Schools renew their 18.4 mills millage on non-principal residences and other allowed properties for 4 years (2019-2022) for operating funds?

Litchfield Community Schools (Homer Township)- 2. Sinking Fund Millage Renewal Proposal

Should the Litchfield Community Schools renew their .75 mill millage on all property for 4 years (2019-2022) to continue providing a sinking fund for the construction and repair of school buildings?

Litchfield Community Schools (Homer Township)- 3. Sinking Fund Millage Proposal

Should the Litchfield Community Schools increase their sinking fund millage by .5 mills for 4 years (2018-2021) in order to provide a sinking fund for school security improvements, technology improvements, and the purchase of real estate and the construction or repair of school buildings?

Mar Lee School District-Sinking Fund Millage Proposal

Should the Mar Lee School District increase their millage by .7499 mills for 5 years (2018-2022) in order to create a sinking fund for the improvements of school security and technology, and for the construction or repair of school buildings?

Marshall Public Schools-Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Should the Marshall Public Schools renew their current 18 mill millage on non-principal residences and other allowed properties for 10 years (2019 through 2029) to provide funds for general operating purposes?

Pennfield Schools-1. Operating Millage Renewal Proposal

Should the Pennfield Schools renew their current 18 mill millage on non-principal residences and other allowed properties for 6 years 2019 through 2024) for general operating purposes?

Pennfield Schools-2. Operating Millage Proposal

Should Pennfield Schools increase their millage on non-principal residences and other allowed properties by 1 mill for 6 years 2019 through 2024) for general operating purposes? (Note: this millage in intended to provide funds that may be lost when the current 18 mills millage may see a reduction required by the Michigan Constitution. The district says that they will only levy an increase as necessary to restore such reductions.)

Barry Intermediate School District(Bedford Charter Township Precinct 1)-Special Education Millage Proposal(RESTORATION OF HEADLEE REDUCTION)

Should the Barry Intermediate School District levy a .3785 mill increase on their millage for 10 years (2018 through 2027) in order to continue funding the district? The district says that this increase is meant to allow the district to levy the maximum rate previously approved by voters of 2.1875 mills, which was reduced as a result of the "Headlee" amendment to the Michigan Constitution.


Stay tuned to 95.3 WBCK on-air and online for complete election results as they come in.

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