Battle Creek Bail Bondsman Accused Of Firing Gun In Aggressive Apprehension Attempt
A bail bondsman is in trouble with police after reportedly using extremely aggressive tactics while trying to conduct an apprehension in Battle Creek this week. Battle Creek Police say the 61-year-old bondsman allegedly fired a gunshot into a pick-up truck in the first block of E. Goodale Ave. Wednesday morning. Officers responded just after 7:30 am.
A 42-year-old woman told police she was inside her truck on her property when a man reportedly began circling the vehicle and pounding on the windows while holding a gun. She said she didn't know the identity of the man and refused to open the door while trying to leave. The man told officers he is a bail bondsman and was working on apprehending the woman's 22-year-old son who had a warrant for failing to appear in court.
The bondsman said he believed the son was in the truck and that he had fired a shot into the ground as a warning. But authorities soon discovered that shot was in fact fired chest high into a passenger side fender on the vehicle. A bullet was lodged just below the windshield.
The 22-year-old who had the warrant was arrested. Meanwhile, officers say they are seeking a warrant for felonious assault charges against the bondsman.