Battle Creek Police Stage Street Prostitution Sweep
Battle Creek Police staged a street prostitution sweep this week, arresting five area men and one woman. The focus area for the operation was along Capital Avenue. Police weren’t entirely sure how things would develop. But in short order, a woman was arrested followed by the five men. Since the men were driving and attempting to obtain sex from an undercover female officer, the vehicles the men were driving were confiscated. All the vehicles were later released after the would-be customers paid a $500 dollar fine. Four of the men are Battle Creek area residents and one is from Kalamazoo.
Police say the advance of smartphones and apps has led to the development of dozens of apps that allow prostitutes to connect with customers. But that has not created a shortage of illegal street activity. Police say it has been about two years since they initiated this kind of street enforcement action. One thing they are trying to put a stop to is juvenile girls being accosted by men seeking sex for pay. Battle Creek Police are indicating more enforcement actions like this one along Capital Avenue in the city are planned.

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