BC’s Willard Beach Park Reopens After Storm Damages
There’s still some visible damage from last Wednesday’s huge storm at Battle Creek’s Willard Beach Park on Goguac Lake. The park was closed immediately after the storm. But enough has been repaired to allow the city to reopen the park. It had been opened up for the season just hours before the storm hit. The reopening is just in time for some really hot weather. With temperatures into the upper 80’s and 90’s the next couple days, it will be a welcome relief for many. Last week’s storm ripped up the lakeshore all around Goguac Lake and toppled lots of waterfront trees.
Power is back on to all areas of the city’s lakeshore park. But the park is now missing a couple of trees. There’s a big hole in the roof of one of the park pavilions and that is still closed. There are no lifeguards at the park. Everyone swims at their own risk. And swimming is only allowed within the buoys out in the water. Barring another unforeseen issue, the 17-acre park will remain open through Labor Day.