Last October I wrote a piece titled “Be Ready When A School Tells You They Do Not Teach Critical Race Theory. Here Are Some Follow-Up Questions”. In that piece I wrote the following:
“In today’s environment, a School will never say they teach Critical Race Theory (CRT). They would simply call it something else or teach the tenets of it. You can ask school boards, school districts, administrations and teachers if they teach CRT and they will say absolutely not, accept that answer nicely but do not stop there. Always be prepared for the follow-up questions.”
I must admit I was not entirely correct. The Michigan Capitol Confidential news site has reported that the Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Nikolai Vitti, at a school board meeting, said that critical race theory (CRT) is actually being taught in the state’s largest school district. I appreciate that he was honest about it.
A nonprofit news site Chalkbeat Detroit published a piece on Monday in which they wrote that Vitti said at that School Board meeting:
“Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines. ... Students need to understand the truth of history … understand the history of this country, to better understand who they are and about the injustices that have occurred in this country.”
In fact, they reported that Vitti actually embraces the basic tenets of CRT racist theory. CRT teaches that all white children are born racist because of the color of their skin and all people of color are and will always remain victims because of the color of their skin. How sad is that?
Let’s go through the list of people the Michigan Capitol Confidential article has so kindly provided for us and have told us CRT is not being taught in any Michigan schools:
On Aug. 10, Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction Michael Rice said at a State Board of Education meeting, “Critical race theory is not a curricular issue in pre-K-12 education.”
In a June 27 Detroit Free Press story, Michigan State University professor Dorinda Carter Andrews said it was misleading to suggest the concept of critical race theory is being taught in Michigan schools. Andrews, a professor of race, culture, and equity who also chairs MSU’s Department of Teacher Education, told the Free Press, “I’d be hard pressed to find a K-12 teacher who is doing that in their school district.”
And in a July 6 Bridge Michigan story, Michigan Association of School Boards spokeswoman Shelly Davis Boyd said that the group is not aware that any schools in the state are teaching critical race theory.
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers union, said, “Let’s be clear: Critical race theory is not taught in elementary schools or high schools.” The Detroit Federation of Teachers is a branch of AFT.
Mr. Rice, Professor Andrews, Ms. Boyd, and Ms. Weingarten now what do you all have to say for yourselves? Can we expect an apology from all of you or will you just hide from us all?
I will say once again I appreciate the honesty of Mr. Vitti.
Now you decide if racism, such as CRT, should be taught to our young children here in Michigan.