As trout fishing season is set to go late this month, anglers heading north will have an opportunity to keep more of their catch in parts of the Upper Peninsula. An additional five brook trout may be kept as part of the daily bag limit in portions of 36 trout streams. The new regulation was approved last fall. Ten trout will be the daily possession limit at the selected areas. For streams not on the list, the limit remains at five. 14 of the U.P.’s 15 counties have at least one stream included on the 10 Brook Trout Possession Limit Waters list.

Courtesy: Michigan DNR
(Courtesy: Michigan DNR)

“The intent of the regulation change is to diversify fishing opportunities across the whole U.P. landscape, while simultaneously being protective of brook trout populations,” said Jim Dexter, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division Chief. Since 2012, the DNR Fisheries Division staff has investigated social and biological aspects of increasing anglers’ brook trout possession limit from five to ten on a subset of U.P. trout streams.

Opening day for inland trout season on Type 1 streams, which include the increased bag limit, is Saturday, April 28.

For a complete list of all the streams where a 10-trout bag limit is allowed, see the 2018 Michigan Fishing Guide.

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