Dog’s Frightening Journey Ends In Rescue, Reunion With Owners
Memorial Day weekend was a scary one for a pet and its owners after a dog decided to wander away from home. But it all ended well after a Battle Creek resident rescued the poor pet and took to social media to try and locate the owners.
On Sunday, Michael McCullough found an elderly male dog wandering in an area near Jones Road in Calhoun County's Bedford Township. He was in such bad shape that he couldn't even stand on his own and was also dehydrated in the extremely hot weather. McCullough was able to cool him off and get him to drink some water and eat a little. The dog had a collar but apparently no identification tags and was taken to the Calhoun County Animal Shelter for further health check-ups.
Meanwhile, McCullough's photos and a post about the dog on Facebook generated over 500 shares from his page from concerned residents hoping to get the animal identified. The effort paid off, and the dog's owners arrived at the shelter Tuesday to be reunited with their furry friend. They have kept an appointment for X-rays and other procedures to help rehabilitate the dog as it is still in rough shape from its ill-fated adventure. The owners say he had simply wandered away from home and couldn't be found.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery and maybe a little less wanderlust from the old pup going forward.
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