Electronic License Plate Coming To Michigan
Do you think it would be a good idea to have a message display on your license plate? I think that could get ugly depending on what messages you could actually display. We are told all messages you can display are preapproved for a license plate electronic display.
Well, Michigan you will soon be able to display messages on your plate if you want to pay upwards of $500 for the electronic plate and approximately $55 a year in a connectivity fee.
The Detroit Free Press is reporting about a battery-operated digital license plate called Rplate. The plate and app connected to it would allow you to pay for your yearly car registration, alert other people that the car is stolen and allow you to display messages on your personalized electronic plate. The electronic plates display these messages via computer-generated imagery, similar to an e-reading tablet.
Currently, these digital license plates are only allowed in the states of California, Arizona and soon to be Michigan. They are quite costly with a starting price of approximately $500 a plate and a yearly connectivity fee of $55.
The owner of the company said:
“I can put up my favorite sports team — mine is the Raiders — and I can change the background colors...There are hundreds of messages to choose from on the app. It runs the gamut. There's ‘Gone Fishing' ... or my neighbor is a huge Lakers fan, and when Kobe Bryant passed away, we both displayed ‘Kobe RIP.’ "
Sounds like a great idea if the plate display could not be hacked, the company states the owner's information is encrypted, and the cost eventually comes down.
Just thought of a problem. Could accidents increase if other drivers are attempting to read the messages instead of keeping their eyes on the road and other drivers?