Flint City Council Member And Life Long Democrat Endorses President Trump
His name is Maurice Davis, he is a city of Flint Council member and a lifelong Democrat. He is also someone who just endorsed President Trump for his second term.
The other day Vice President Mike Pence held a rally at Flint Bishop Airport and Mr. Davis said the following:
“Right now the narrative has been spent, President Trump is full of hate. Let me tell you something, the Democrats are full of hate. I have been a democrat all my life, 64 years. The last four years I voted for Hillary Clinton. This year I decided to go with President Trump...am not a bootlicker, I am not an Uncle Tom”
He went on to say:
“People are in foreclosure right here in Flint...People are losing everything, and when Mr. Trump says, ‘What the hell do you got to lose?’ he was talking to me...We’re tired of suffering and nobody gives a damn about poor folks”
He then said:
“President Trump, they reached out with nothing but love for you all all over this nation. I don’t want to hear another time I’m a Trump supporter — I’m an America supporter...This year, I decided to go with President Trump..I’m not a bootlicker, I’m not an Uncle Tom. I’m none of those things. I’m somebody that’s in a poor, impoverished community.”
Earlier Mr. Davis said “Let me tell you something, the Democrats are full of hate“ well they proved to him and the world that they are full of hate when he said:
“Democrats call me every name but a child of God”
Biden and the Democrat Party is running on only two things, the first is vote for me because that guy sucks. The other is blaming him for every death in the United States from COVID-19. The problem they have is Joe Biden’s plan to fight the COVID virus is something that President Trump and his team have already done. Are they saying that they wanted President Trump to dictate to the states Governor’s what they can and cannot do? Governor Whitmer actually told him to keep his nose out of the state's business meaning every COVID death would be on her.
We know that at least a third of the COVID deaths in Michigan occurred at Medicaid nursing homes and those deaths are directly related to her executive orders sending COVID positive patients back to their nursing homes.
The Live with Renk show airs Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to noon, to let me know your thoughts call (269) 441-9595
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