There are a lot of signs of fall that we enjoy in Michigan, and some that we don't. This would be the latter. After Labor Day a week from today, the outdoor Flash Flood Water Park at Full Blast in Battle Creek will be closing for the season. So this is the last week to cool down with the family or your friends at the water park. The outdoor/indoor pools and attractions will be open noon to 6:00pm Saturday and Sunday, and noon to 6:00pm Monday, the final opening day. They will have free admission from 3 to 6:00pm for Community Appreciation Day to close it out.

Meanwhile, the Full Blast facility, fitness center, and walking track will be closed Sunday and Labor Day Monday (September 2nd and 3rd), as well as Friday through Sunday (September 7th-9th), for annual maintenance and gym floor resurfacing. The fall and winter hours for the recreation facility fall/winter hours begin on Monday, September 10th from 6:30am to 8:00pm Monday through Friday, and 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday and Sunday.

You might want to take advantage of it with this late summer heat wave we are having for the early part of this week. In Southwest Michigan, temps are expected to be near 90 degrees during the next couple days.


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