Good News! Drunk Driving Cases Are Down
Since 2020 is full of weird or bad news figured I'd offer some good news and something that we can all be proud of. Of course not having drunk driving accidents at all would be the best but one step at a time.
Anyway, according to WZZM, driving driving cases are down 25% going into this last weekend. This stat was found due to the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign which was going into its last week, last week. The campaign is known to happen towards the end of the summer and into Labor Day weekend, which can be one of the worst weekends for drunk driving accidents.
The reasons for drunk driving cases going down are mostly due to COVID and due to the stay-at-home orders, which were in effect in March but are now gone. The stay-at-home orders pushed many people who are drinkers to get their drink of choice at home and stay home. This trend of staying home is also easier because most bars have been closed or are still closed.
In Kent County, WZZM reported charges in 530 cases through Aug. 31 this year, compared with 706 cases for the same period in 2019. There aren't any numbers for this Labor Day weekend, but there are some good numbers from the Michigan Office of Highway Safety. The office is reporting less fatalities this past Labor Day weekend on all Michigan roads, as there were 8 this weekend compared to last year's Labor Day weekend.
So let's continue to not drink and drive and maybe stay home and drink or find someone on your block to grab a drink with so you can walk home.
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