The week of July 15-21 will bring temperatures above average for this time of year as the heat and humidity returns to Michigan.

It seems the weather is getting more extreme. After an incredibly soggy Spring, we seemed to jump right into Summer with heat, humidity and thunderstorms threatening the entire Southwest Michigan area. This week, we get a respite but it won't last as the National Weather Service is predicting above average temperatures will return to the region.

While this current week's temperatures will be closer to normal, relative to last week, the third week of July is expected to be as warm or warmer than last week. Highs could be in the 90s in many area for several days next week. This idea is based on the latest Climate Prediction Center week two forecast and nearly a week of model runs of the long range models.


So, go ahead and get that central air installed, bite the bullet and put the window unit you've been debating on your credit card or be prepared for sticker shock when you open your next electric bill; you'll need a place to cool down. Please remember to look after children and pets in the extreme high temperatures. Also, it's a good idea to check on elderly neighbors and be sure to stay hydrated.

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