Judge Determines Secretary Of State Benson Violated The States Administrative Procedures Act On Absentee Voter Signatures
This news is certainly being kept under the cover. The media is certainly not on the Democratic Party’s side, right? I would have never known this occurred if I had not seen a Press Release from State Representative Matt Hall’s Office.
It started when the Allegan County Clerk-Register of Deeds Bob Genetski with the Republican Party sued Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson in her official capacity and Jonathan Brater, Director of Elections in his official capacity. They sued her because they believed she violated Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act when she solely decided the voter ballot signature matching guidelines prior to the 2020 election.
As the court document stated:
“Jocelyn Benson issued what defendants refer to as “guidance” for local clerks who are charged with inspecting signatures on absent voter ballot applications and ballots. The document, which was entitled “Absent Voter Ballot Processing: Signature Verification and Voter Notification Standards”. This guidance regarding signature verification forms the heart of the issues in the present case and it requires additional examination.
The stated purpose of the at issue document was to “provide[ ] standards” for reviewing signatures, verifying signatures, and curing missing or mismatched signatures. Under a heading entitled “Procedures for Signature Verification,” the document stated that signature review “begins with the presumption that” the signature on an absent voter ballot application or envelope is valid.”
You should read the ruling because it explains how Secretary of State Benson watered down the signature verification requirements so much, if someone had what looked to be the letter “i” in their name and it somewhat looked like there may or may not have been an “i” in their signature you were supposed to approve it. It was actually heartbreaking to see what Benson did. What she did was tantamount to invite and enable illegal votes to be cast.
For example, the document issued by Benson stated:
“Signatures “should be considered questionable” the guidance explained, only if they differ “in multiple, significant and obvious respects from the signature on file.” (Emphasis in original). “[W]henever possible,” election officials were to resolve “[s]light dissimilarities” in favor of finding that the voter’s signature was valid.”
How did the judge rule, well since you are hearing nothing about this in the news you probably have already guessed? Michigan Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray ruled:
‘Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act because the guidance issued by the Secretary of State on October 6, 2020, with respect to signature matching standards was issued in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act.”
In a nutshell, SoS Benson violated the state of Michigan’s Administrative Procedures Act due to the fact that she set absent voter ballot signature matching guidelines prior to the 2020 election on her own circumventing the Michigan Administrative Procedures Act. An administrative rule is an agency's written regulation, statement, standard, policy, ruling, or instruction that has the effect of law.
That is why you are hearing nothing from any other news source out there other than my show and WBCK. Where is the Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Lansing State Journal, any of the local news stations from Detroit to Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids and beyond?
Nowhere on this story.
Wonder why?
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