In the early days of McDonald’s, the banner under the Golden Arches proclaimed “Over A Million Served”...then it was “Millions Served” it’s “Billions and Billions Served”. That’s a lot of burgers. 

Then McDonald’s expanded into the breakfast menu with the all-time favorite, Egg McMuffin. With the Egg McMuffin gaining respect among breakfast commuters, the number of eggs needed to create the tasty fast-food delight must be quite impressive, and just where do they come from? The fragile refrigerated “cackle berries” must be produced somewhere nearby. 

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In fact, they are. All of the eggs served in McDonald’s restaurants in Michigan come from Herbruck's Poultry Ranch in Saranac, Michigan. The family-owned chicken ranch produces scads of eggs and donated 2.2 million eggs to local charities and non-profits in 2022.  

According to Terry Lewis, food pantry director at The Ionia Church of the Nazarene, eggs from Herbruck’s provided 18,720 meals to more than 8,500 people in Ionia County in 2022. In an age of conglomerates, Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch is a long-standing family farm operation and also has locations in Indiana and Pennsylvania. 

Michigan Department of Agriculture Egg cracking competition
The MDARD and McDonld's Host Egg Cracking Contest        Michigan Department of Agriculture

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development celebrated Michigan Food and Agriculture Month, Wednesday, March 22, by holding an egg cracking contest, using Herbruck’s eggs, hosted by McDonald’s in Ionia. 

Egg Farm
Egg Gathering In The Good Ol' Days                                   Fox Photos/Getty Images

It was announced in an MDARD press release that in 2021, the McDonald’s system purchased 56 million dozen eggs from Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch. That makes 672,000,000,000 eggs that McDonald’s purchases in Michigan. 

Southwest Michigan's Favorite Cereal Brands

We asked you what your favorite cereal brands were for National Cereal Day 2023 - Here are a few of your answers, as well as the area's top choice:

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