Michigan AG Forced To Claim Governor’s Shutdown Is Legal
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, as expected, is standing up for her boss. The Attorney General claims the state legislature’s refusal to support Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s latest emergency and shutdown extensions is leading to confusion, concern, and frustration, among Michigan residents and law enforcement leaders. Nessel claims many law enforcement departments contacted the state asking for clarification about what’s what. Nessel says she has reviewed applicable state laws and her opinion is that the Executive Orders from the Governor are legal and enforceable. She’s sending a letter to Michigan’s law enforcement department chiefs and county Sheriffs reminding them they should be enforcing the Orders. At least 14 Michigan county Sheriffs have openly defied the Governor’s emergency declaration and shutdown saying they are not allowing deputies to enforce many aspects of the Governor’s shutdown orders. They believe many aspects of the shutdown orders violate constitutional rights. Many others may be doing the same but just aren’t saying so publicly. The Governor’s actions are now the subject of several lawsuits. The Republican-controlled State House and Senate are expected to file separate lawsuits, or potentially a joint action, challenging many aspects of the Governor’s virus related orders within days. The U.S. Department of Justice last week announced a nationwide review of closing orders from all involved states, including Michigan, with questions about whether closing orders are violating resident's constitutional rights.