Michigan State Police Car Could Be America’s Best Looking Police Car With Your Help
I never knew of this contest until the other day. Apparently every year there is a Best Looking Police Cruiser Contest. This contest is put on by the American Association of State Troopers (AAST).
As of the other day Michigan’s State Police cruiser is running in second place with approximately 40,000 votes. They are idling behind Nebraska which currently has approximately 50,000 votes. Currently in third place with approximately 6,000 votes behind Michigan sits Kentucky, who by the way won the contest last year.
As a side note, I choose to use the word idling in the above paragraph because I wonder why unoccupied police cars are almost always idling. I walked by one in my neighborhood the other day and no one was in it and the cruiser was idling. I am sure there must be a good reason, does anyone know?
Check out the pictures of all the State Police Cruiser entries and help our Michigan State Police cruiser take home the gold by voting at:
According to a Facebook post by MSP the cruiser that receives the most votes will be featured on the cover of a 2020 best looking cruiser calendar.
Hurry up and vote because the voting ends at 3 p.m. on July 30th.
Good Luck MSP!
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