Blue Moon ice cream is a Midwest favorite, especially in Michigan, but if you had to describe the flavor of this creamy concoction how would you do it?

I never really gave this favored flavor much thought until I saw a recent TikTok video where an employee at a St. Clair Shores, MI ice cream shop started to delve into the mysterious history of this summertime staple.

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The History of Blue Moon

The secret recipe for Blue Moon ice cream was concocted by chemist Bill Sidon who was the chief flavor chemist at Petran Products in Milwaukee. Petran Products was the first manufacturer to be granted a trademark for the recipe in the 1950s, but today that same trademark belongs to Weber Foods who bought Petran in the 1980s.

Present Day Recipe

Today there are a number of regional creameries who each manufacture a similar product called "Blue Moon". Although each recipe is unique to that specific factory, they are all based on Sidon's original recipe--or at least as close as they can get!

West Michigan's own Hudsonville Ice Cream says the following about their Blue Moon flavor,

A true Midwest original, this sweet, slightly fruity treat is the color of a summer sky. This mysterious flavor has a unique taste all its own. It's almost as much fun guessing what makes the magic as it is eating it!

Regional Favorite

I was surprised to learn at how many Midwesterners had no idea Blue Moon ice cream was a regional treat. Unfortunately, many often learn this fact once it's too late after they have already move out of state! However, somebody has actually taken the time to map out the "Blue Moon Core Area" to note where the beloved flavor can easily be found. Check out the map here.

So What Flavor IS It?

The true answer is under lock and key, so we may never truly know the truth. Here are some educated guesses from those of us who know and love Blue Moon ice cream:

  • Fruit Loops
  • Cotton Candy
  • Almond
  • Raspberry
  • Lemon
  • Marshmallow
  • Vanilla

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