I spoke with Dr. Gary L. Wolfram, on Thursday, March 26 to get his thoughts on the $2.2 trillion economic relief bill passed by the Senate last night.   The bill was passed to combat all of the economic misery brought by the Governors of a majority of states issuing Shelter in Place orders and the closing of businesses.

Dr. Wolfram is the William Simon Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Director of Economics and Professor of Political Economy at Hillsdale College. Dr. Wolfram is also the President of the Hillsdale Policy Group, a consulting firm specializing in taxation and public policy analysis. He is the author of A Capitalist Manifesto: Understanding the Market Economy and Defending Liberty.

Does Professor Wolfram believe it was the right thing to do?

Please listen to my interview with him and find out his thoughts on this issue and the economic threat from the closing of businesses by the Governors:

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