Summer vacations are in full swing and due to the pandemic many people are opting for vacations enjoying the great outdoors. National Parks are seeing their highest visitor numbers in years. Michigan offers so much to do outside and going "Up North" is just part of being a Michigander. But where does "Up North" begin? It's time to debate...

One commenter said,

"Since I live "up north", we define it as north of US 10, generally."

Another said,

"Dude, anything north of Midland."

One person added,

"from Ohio. It's all "up north" to us."

Cauldronwith said,

"If it's in the fingers it's Up North.  Big Rapids is not up north"

Karen joined in,

"Up North references anywhere with a cabin and a lake. Woods are also acceptable."

Finally, 1_nub states,

"Going up north is anywhere North of you. live in SW Michigan so everything is Up North."

loading... says "up north" began north of Clare and in some cases north of Indian River.  100 years ago "up north" meant the Frontier, any place north of the Sauk Trail.

"When Michigan was being opened to exploration and settlement, most folks arrived in Detroit first. Going west from there usually involved a journey down the Great Sauk Trail, US 12 today, to Chicago.  That road was the frontier. Up north of that road was wilderness Michigan where even wolverines were known to prowl."

Lake Michigan Shoreline
Photo: Townsquare Media/Scott Winters

Does crossing the 45th parallel mean you're "Up North"? In White Cloud, there is a sign that says "Where the North Begins." Some proud yoopers believe that the U.P. is not "Up North" and it's own entity entirely. What do you think? Where does "Up North" begin?

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