Whitmer Signs Law To Protect Identity of Domestic/Sexual Violence Survivors
A law that had bipartisan support was signed by Governor Whitmer the other day. The law will allow the victims of domestic and sexual violence as well as their families to add another layer of confidentiality.
The bill will allow victims and their families to receive identification numbers and substitute addresses with assigned post boxes for Michigan to mail state documents to them.
These Identification numbers will be listed in State databases in replacement of their addresses. People will not be able to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act ) these numbers.
Senate Bill 70, sponsored by State Senator Ruth Johnson, R-Holly stated:
“For many survivors of these heinous crimes, escaping from their abusers could mean the difference between life and death...This bipartisan package is about saving lives and giving survivors some peace of mind by reducing the risk that they will be threatened or harmed again.
Senator Johnson went on to say:
“Currently, 37 other states offer some type of address confidentiality program to protect victims, and I am extremely pleased that we are one step closer to establishing this protection in Michigan.”
Happy to hear that Governor Whitmer feels these survivors deserve this protection. She did not afford this type of protection for Michigan government whistleblowers when she vetoed that bill last July and healthcare providers in August.