The big day, a day that could forever change the trajectory of the United States is tomorrow.

What are some very important timeframes and rules you should know about Election day?

The Detroit News reported the following:

  • Absentee ballots should be returned to a valid clerk’s dropbox or a clerk’s office by 8 p.m. Election Day on Tuesday.
  • Voters can still get an absentee ballot through Monday at 4 p.m. by going to a clerk's office and filling out a form.
  • An absentee ballot will not be counted unless the voter's signature is on the return envelope and matches the signature on file. Those who had assistance filling out the ballot will need the signature of the person who helped them as well.
  • Only the voter, a family member or person residing in the voter's household, a mail carrier, or an election official is authorized to deliver a signed absent voter ballot to a clerk's office.
  • If an emergency, such as a sudden illness or family death, prevents a voter from reaching the polls on Election Day, an emergency absentee ballot may be requested. The request must be submitted before 4 p.m. Election Day.
  • Local clerks office and polling locations can be found at

Now let us move on to voting at your polling location Tuesday:

  • Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on November 3rd.
  • Wearing a mask is not required at all Michigan polling locations unless there is a medical exception.  (The Detroit News incorrectly reported that wearing a mask is mandatory.  I have emailed the paper to let them know of their mistake.)
  • Voters must provide proof of identification, either a driver’s license or state ID card.
  • Those without photo identification can sign an affidavit saying they have state ID and can vote.
  • Unregistered voters can register to vote on Election Day at their clerk’s office.
  • No campaigning or soliciting of votes is allowed within 100 feet of a polling location.
  • Election-related materials such as shirts, buttons or pamphlets are prohibited from all Michigan polling places.
  • Voting for candidates in different parties is allowed in the general election. Leaving some races without a vote will not invalidate a ballot.

How about voter intimidation, reporting by Lansing State Journal stated the following:

"The U.S. Code prohibits intimidating, threatening and coercing voters. Anyone who does so could face fines or jail time."

Governor Whitmer believes the following are examples of intimidation, including:

  • People who aren't poll workers asking others for personal documentation
  • Photographing or videotaping voters
  • Disseminating false or misleading election information
  • Blocking the entrance to a polling place
  • Directly questioning voters

What should you do if you believe you have experienced or you think someone is attempting to intimidate someone else?

You should immediately alert the people running the polling, the country clerk and possibly the police if someone might be in danger.

The Election Protection Hotline, 1-866-OUR-VOTE or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)

The U.S. Department of Justice Voting Rights Hotline, 1-800-253-3931, or teletypewriter line,1-877-267-8971

Everyone should stay calm and cool and once you are inside the voting booth vote the way your conscience tells you and do not worry about what others think, just keep it to yourself.

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