This Tuesday (April 20), Battle Creek City Commissioners could give the green light to a marijuana grow facility on Stringham Road, near River Road.  The site is near the City’s Bric Pit Leaf Disposal/Compost site.

SC Distribution, LLC, of Warren, Michigan plans to develop the vacant two-acre property at 306 Stringham Road, and build a 10,000 square foot facility to grow marijuana.  The business would employ two or three people, but the company says they could expand to 10 workers.    The business would not be a retail center, and would only grow cannabis.

The application was made in 2020 but expired, and then the area was re-zoned in December from an “Industrial District” to a “Green District”.   Battle Creek City Planning/Zoning Coordinator Eric Feldt said that under the Green district, Marihuana businesses are not permitted.  He said the purpose of the Green district is to generally preserve unique environmental features in the area.  So, commissioners will have to approve a conditional rezoning for the property.

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The planning commission unanimously gave their approval at their April 20th meeting.  At that meeting, some residents expressed concern that the facility would negatively affect property values, cause unpleasant odors, and unwanted traffic, lights, and signage.

Mohamed Ghaith, attorney for SC Distribution, LLC said that the tax value of a cultivation facility will increase nearby property values.   He said the company would install odor mitigation filters to deal with the smell.  He said they would use secure transporters for pick up and put in a green hedge screen along property lines.

River and Stringham Road, Battle Creek-Google Street View
River and Stringham Road, Battle Creek-Google Street View

SC Distribution also promised to build a retention pond and contribute $5,000 to a local environmental organization.  They’ll also put in a well and septic system, as the property does not have city water or sewer.


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