Plan To Remove Battle Creek’s Stained Glass Seal Moving Forward
A plan to remove a stained glass window from Battle Creek’s City Hall looks to be moving forward.
The window features the Battle Creek City Seal, which shows a white surveyor about to club a Native American with the butt of his rifle; the City seal has been almost entirely phased out of use, with its only remaining place of prominence being the stained glass, located on a third-floor stairwell near the City Commission chambers. Some have criticized the window as being insensitive to Native Americans, as well as being inaccurate regarding the incident that gives Battle Creek its name.
The Battle Creek Enquirer reports that August 10, the Native American Heritage Fund approved a payment of $3,377 to the City of Battle Creek, to cover half of the cost of the removal of the window. Full Spectrum Stained Glass of Colon will remove the stained glass window, and replace it with a mosaic medallion style similar to other windows in the building. The contentious glass will then be kept at the Battle Creek Regional History Museum.
The window removal process is expected to start sometime in 2019.
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