Over 100 Battle Creek Public Schools staffers who went without pay due to the several winter weather cancellations will be getting some of that money back.

The BCPS says that while most district employees are compensated for days missed due to inclement weather, many hourly and contract employees were not. Superintendent Kim Carter says that the “unprecedented” closures prompted the School Board to approve a stipend to those employees for the week of January 28 to February 1, at a rate of 80% of what they would have earned if they had been working.

Superintendent Carter says they “don’t want anyone facing hardship” when the weather hits hard...

“It’s been a tough winter. We know that we have lots of members of the BCPS family who do not receive pay when the schools close. I am pleased to announce that we have recommended and the BCPS board has approved supplementary emergency stipends to hourly employees to help offset the financial hardship of the recent unforeseen and unprecedented inclement weather closures.

Some of the employees receiving the stipend include Battle Creek Coaches,Literacy Tutors, and Family Advocates.


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