WOOD TV8 says that Versiti Blood Centers of Michigan is asking anyone who has recovered from the coronavirus, to think about donating plasma to help others who are fighting the virus.

According to WOOD TV8,

COVID-19 convalescent plasma is a therapy that uses antibodies to treat patients with severe cases.

So far Versiti Blood Centers, along with a few other blood centers, have been able to keep up with the demand of local hospitals but now that most hospitals in West Michigan are at or near capacity with COVID-19 patients, the plasma supply is running low, and in desperate need. That need will only continue to grow as more cases are coming in daily, as we deal with a harsh second wave.

Dr. Dan Waxman with Versiti Blood Centers of Michigan told WOOD TV8,

We are facing a critical need. Without intervention from the community, we face the very real possibility that we won’t be able to fill orders for patients in hospitals we serve. This important therapy cannot be manufactured. It comes from generous volunteer donors in our communities who have recovered from COVID and now are able to help hospitalized patients in those very same communities.”

Dr. Waxman told the news outlet that their supply went from about 4 weeks of supply to only 4 days.  They're looking for anyone who has recovered and been symptom-free for 14 days to think about donating.  He said the process takes about an hour of your time but could be the difference between someone living or dying as the fight COVID-19.

If you want to donate, WOOD TV 8 says if you've donated before, you can 877-BE-A-HERO (232-4376) and set up another appointment, or if it's your first time, you can sign up on their website www.versiti.org/covid19plasma.



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