Calhoun County COVID-19 Deaths To Date – 0.219%
The latest statistics offered by the department show a picture worth reviewing.
Since the outbreak of the virus in March of 2020, 12,369 people are reported by the County Public Health Department as contracting the virus. Using a population figure of 134,159 from the latest federal government census report, that works out to a percentage of 9.21 %.

Deaths in Calhoun County so far attributed to the virus number 294. That’s
.219% of the total county population – or – two hundred 19 one-thousandths of one percent. Or, just over two-tenths of one percent.
Statewide to date, Michigan’s Health and Human Services Department is reporting 20,778 deaths where the virus has played at least some role. That’s working out to .209% of the total population. Or, two hundred nine thousandths of one percent. Barely two-tenths of one percent.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer was praising Michigan residents who have been vaccinated in a press release issued at the start of the month. "Because so many Michiganders did their part and stepped up to get vaccinated, we are able to return to normal more quickly. If you haven't gotten your vaccine yet, I encourage you to make an appointment so you can safely do the activities you want to do."
Calhoun County public health administrators' push to get more people vaccinated this week continues with appointment scheduling options at both department offices in Battle Creek and Albion.
Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 15) the department has a vaccination event at the Minges Creek Parking lot in the afternoon from 3 until 6. Appointments are being taken for the office locations for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Then on Saturday, another public event is set for Albion’s Holland Park. That will run from 1 until 4:30.
KEEP READING: Learning From Mistakes During the Spanish Flu
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