Check Fraud Attempt Thwarted in Calhoun County
The Michigan State Police post in Marshall is alerting residents of a recent check fraud scheme that recently occurred in Calhoun County.
Investigators say that the potential victim answered an online ad for a secret shopper. The person then received a cashier’s check and asked to purchase several $100 eBay gift cards as a "secret shopper". The owner of the ad then asked them to send photos of the scratched off PIN codes on the cards after they were purchased.
The victim was able to confirm that the check was a fake with their bank's assistance before making any purchases. Authorities are reminding residents that anything involving the purchase of gift cards and sending PIN codes by text or email is a scam. The MSP also warns that documents or correspondence containing multiple misspellings and improper grammar are likely from international scammers from outside of the United States.
Please contact the Michigan State Police at 269-558-0930 if you have received any similar types of attempted check fraud.
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