Battle Creek Begins Accepting Chicken Permit Applications May 14
If you’re interested in getting one of Battle Creek’s limited licenses to raise hens, your chance to apply is coming up.
The City says that they will begin accepting applications on Monday at 8am, at the Planning and Zoning Office in City Hall. There will only be 20 licenses granted, and they will be handed out on a first come first served basis; if you apply after the 20 are gone, you will be placed on a waiting list.
Applicants must also obtain a fence/shed permit to build their chicken coop, with a three-year permit costing $100. That coop would need to be 20 feet from all property lines, and 40 feet from adjacent homes.
The ordinance passed this month only allows for the raising of hens within city limits, but the language of it does allow for other animals to be added at a later date. It's also possible that the number of chicken licenses given out could be increased.
More info can be found at