Could We Be Saying Never Again To Daylight Saving Time?
Ever heard the phrase, "it would take an act of congress"?
Let's make this happen.

One time, all the time.
So you're saying our elected officials are actually doing something we all want?
How much is this gonna cost us?
What's the catch?
Are we being punked?
How long have we been waiting for someone, somewhere to do something about this time change nonsense?
Fall back or spring forward...it's all for the birds. The only thing it seems to accomplish is messing up our sleep patterns and making everyone miserable.
There was a purpose a long time ago...right?
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, daylight saving time, or DST, started in the U.S. in 1918 as a way to create more sunlit hours when the weather is the warmest. (Fox6Now)
How did they orchestrate this madness way back then? We can barely keep up now.
Members of Congress have long been interested in the potential benefits and costs of daylight saving time since it was first adopted as a wartime measure in 1942. (WILX)
Introducing the Sunshine Protection Act
They should have worked on that name a little more but I don't care what they call it as long as DST goes away FOREVER.
The U.S. Senate approved a bill that will make daylight saving time permanent.The Senate unanimously voted on Tuesday in favor of the Sunshine Protection Act, according to The Hill. The bill would end the time change from daylight saving time to standard time, meaning Americans would no longer have to change their clocks twice a year. (WILX)
It's gotta get the nod from the House of Representatives before it becomes a law. And we're looking at November 2023 for it to go into effect if that happens.
Seriously, who wouldn't vote for this?
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