Grant Will Raze State Farm; other buildings
The Calhoun County Land Bank is getting a $600,000 grant from the Calhoun County Treasure's office to tear down the State Farm building in Marshall, as well as several other county properties. The projected demolition cost of a former State Farm building in Marshall, which has been vacant since 2006, is $700,000.
The old Bedford mill site is also on the list, with hopes for a park expansion there. Twenty residential properties are also on the demolition list, along with one other commercial property.
The land bank has about $700,000 in local and grant funds to cover demolition for some of the properties on top of the $600,000 recently approved.
Land Bank Executive Director Krista Trout-Edwards and Calhoun County Treasurer Brian Wensaur talked recently on the WBCK Morning Show with Tim Collins.