Battle Creek Considering Moves To Increase Pet License Compliance
It could cost more to license your pet in the City of Battle Creek, depending on how the the Battle Creek City Commission votes Tuesday.
According to the agenda, commissioners will be considering contracting with the company DocuPet to provide pet licensing services; the stated goal is to increase compliance, since it’s estimated that only 4% of Battle Creek’s pets are actually licensed properly. If the city contracts with DocuPet, they would provide things like a city-based online portal to license your dog or cat, and automatic reminders for renewal.
The City also proposes raising the cost per license, up to $10 dollar from $3 dollars for a neutered animal, and from $20 to $30 for non-neutered dogs and cats. According to Battle Creek City Ordinance, residents are required to obtain a license for their dogs and cats if they are older than 6 months.
Further, if you have more than three dogs or five cats, you are required by ordinance to obtain a kennel license.