Pleas Entered In Battle Creek Fatal Drunk Driving Crash From 2017
A woman who police say was behind the wheel of a vehicle that caused a double fatal crash in Battle Creek in 2017 has now entered a plea.
The accident took place in late September 2017, where a vehicle ran a red light at the intersection of Columbia Ave. and Riverside Dr. and crashed into the car occupied by Deborah and Keith Hendryx. Deborah died at the scene, while Keith died later at the hospital. The driver of the at-fault vehicle, 32-year-old Johanna Willis of Marshall, was found to have a blood alcohol level well above the legal limit.
WWMT reports that on Monday, Willis entered no contest pleas to charges of operating while intoxicated causing death. She had been set to go to trial on Tuesday. With the plea, she faces up to 15 years in prison at her sentencing, which is set to take place on February 22.
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