10 Employees Test Positive For COVID-19 At Post Cereal Battle Creek
Statements from Post Cereal in Battle Creek and an officer with the Calhoun County Public Health Department confirmed 10 employees for Post Cereal Battle Creek have tested positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We recently have a total of 10 positive COVID-19 cases at our Battle Creek plant and we took immediate steps to contact all employees that have had close contact with these individuals. We have asked these employees to self-quarantine for 14 days and all will continue to be paid during that time – no employees will need to use sick time or PTO while they are out.
We also followed our world class health and safety practices to perform a deep clean of the facility, including all common areas, as well as all areas of the facility where these employees worked.
Over the past several weeks, we have increased our cleaning frequencies, staggered shifts, and implemented social distancing.
We have also started performing temperature checks for all employees entering the facility, and have supplied all employees with face masks in an effort to reduce the likelihood of illness.
The FDA states that there is no evidence that food or food packaging is associated with the transmission of COVID-19. Maintaining our high safety standards, food production continues at all of our Post plants.
The CCPHD has been investigating a cluster of positive cases, and been in contact with positive cases and their close contacts, at the Post facility in Battle Creek with the assistance from Post officials. CCPHD appreciates the assistance from Post officials and will continue to work together to closely monitor the situation. ~Calhoun County Public Health Department Health Officer, Eric Pessell
Employees at Post Cereal's Battle Creek plant say that though 10 employees have tested positive for COVID-19, that up 23 employees have been affected on some level. Some of those employees have been hospitalized while others are remaining in their homes.