Former Vice President Joe Biden made a big promise to Americans when he stated at a campaign event in Ottumwa, Iowa that he promises to “cure cancer” if he is elected President.  He did not make that statement off the cuff, it was actually in his prepared remarks.

Wow!  That is a bold promise.

Biden stated:

I’ve worked so hard in my career, that I promise you, if I’m elected president you’re gonna see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer

You would think that promise would be front page news on all newspapers and it would also lead all news broadcast for at least the day.

Well you would be wrong.

Almost every main stream media outlet ignored that momentous promise.

I searched ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and the MSNBC websites and did not find a single word about his promise to cure cancer.

The question is why, and I believe everyone who is open minded knows the answer to that question.

One main stream media outlet, The Microsoft News network ( even went as far as to misinform their readers with a piece titled “Biden says as president he wants to cure cancer”.  How do you take the declaration by Joe Biden stating “if I’m elected president you’re gonna see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer” and say that he stated he wanted to cure cancer?

You cannot, the purpose of the title is to trick their readers in believing that he did not make such a wild claim he actually just wants to make an effort to cure cancer.

Do people still actually believe that the main stream media outlets are not bias and actually makes an effort to shield people who have a liberal ideology from embarrassing acts and statements?

By the way, such a statement ignores the complexities of cancer such as the fact that “cancer” is actually more than 100 diseases and therefore not likely treatable with a single cure-all.

Be aware of where you choose to get your news, you should demand news without bias.

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