New Recall Effort Started Against Albion Mayor Dave Atchison
A new effort is starting up to recall the Mayor of the City of Albion here in Calhoun County.
The Calhoun County Clerk’s Elections Office says early Saturday that two separate recall petitions have been submitted to them, to recall Mayor Dave Atchison from office. The first recall petition cites several issues, saying that Atchison violated city charter by “imputing the motive of other Council Members… or members of the public” in council meetings, by doing things like threatening to stop the required public comment periods.
It also alleges that he violated ethics rules by nominating people to boards and commissions without disclosing that these people donated to his mayoral campaign, and that he takes policy which is against “Albion’s culture of diversity, inclusion, and community welfare” by voting against establishing Indigenous People’s Day and establishing the goal of bringing another grocery store to the city.
A few other points mention his handling of investigations into the Albion Department of Public Safety.
The second recall petition simply reiterates the point about Indigenous People’s Day, and also contains a quote from Atchison that he “certainly [is] making mistakes in the area of parliamentary procedure”.
The Calhoun County Election Commission will hold a clarity and factual review hearing on the petitions on June 26; if the Commission gives the language the OK, the petitioners would need to collect 608 valid voter signatures to get the issue on the ballot.
This is the third recall effort for a member of Albion's government this year; in February, a petition was submitted to try and remove Council Member Sonya Brown, and in April a petition was submitted to get rid of Council Member Jeanette Spicer.
The complete language of each petition is below. Both were submitted by registered voter Melissa Craig.
Petition 1:
(1) David Atchison has failed to comply with the city charter and council rules by divisively “imputing the motive of other Council Members…or members of the public,” during council meetings, most recently on 5/13/2019; by repeatedly threatened to stop required public comment periods, most recently on 5/20/2019; and by giving administrative directives to city personnel.
(2) Atchison has violated the city’s code of ethics ordinance by nominating individuals to city boards and commissions while failing to disclose to city council the nominees’ financial contributions to his mayoral campaign.
(3) Atchison has taken policy positions at odds with Albion’s culture of diversity, inclusion, and community welfare by voting against establishing Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Albion and against bringing another grocery store to Albion as a city goal.
(4) Atchison shared the content of communications, given to him by Chief Scott Kipp during an active personnel investigation, with Al Smith and John Face.
(5) Atchison voted yes on the motion made by Council Member Vicky Clark that approved an investigation NOT independent from the city into Albion Public Safety’s handling of an excessive force incident from 11/24/2018.
Petition 2:
David Atchison voted against a resolution to establish Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Albion at the 4/1/2019 Albion City Council Meeting. David Atchison stated “I certainly am making mistakes in the area of parliamentary procedure” at the 3/18/2019 Albion City Council Meeting.