Riot Destroys Wing At UP State Prison
What can only be described as an out of control riot has left a housing unit at a Michigan state prison in ruins. Staff describe what’s left as unlivable. The 240 prisoners housed there are being moved to other prisons around the state. The site of the event is the Chippewa Correctional facility in the Upper Peninsula. Its located about 20 miles southwest of St. Ste. Marie. The situation developed Sunday evening with a fight among some prisoners. It soon developed into something much worse. The odds were a half dozen correctional facility staff up against over 100 prisoners. The staff evacuated that unit. The prisoners went on a destructive rampage. A corrections employee union leader says the prisoners busted up everything in sight including security cameras. They even flooded part of the housing unit.
Just about every law enforcement related department in the UP sent help to the prison. Even Border Patrol agents took up positions around the perimeter. Some are staying to help relieve the prison staff caught up in the mess. The Detroit News reports the rioters who were identified by staff are going to maximum-security prisons in the state, while those not as heavily involved are going to other state prisons. It may take weeks, even months, before the state is able to get the housing unit at the prison restored.