School Lunch “Shaming” Could End If Michigan Bill Passes
School aged kids in Michigan that do not have money in their lunch accounts will be given lunch in the same manner as their school aged peers if a bill introduced Thursday is passed.
Senate Minority Leader Jim Ananich (D-Flint) announced a bill Thursday to make lunch available to all public school students. The bill is called the ''Hunger-Free Student Bill of Rights.''
Some school districts punish and embarrass students for not having money in their lunch accounts by throwing out the meal, making kids wear wristbands, do chores, or swap out their lunch for a peanut butter sandwich.
The bill would require schools to provide a USDA reimbursable meal to students with a lunch debt and districts would no longer be allowed to throw away meals after they are served because a student can not pay. The bill would also allow schools to create a fund to help students' families pay for meals.
The bill is currently being referred to the Senate Committee on Education.