Two Year Student Transfers To Albion College Streamlined
It’s been a long-standing issue in higher education. Students with 2-year program degrees issued by community colleges being able to easily advance into a more advanced four-year program. Many times credit hours from the first aren’t accepted at the second. Students nationwide have been left shaking their heads in frustration over the process.
Kellogg Community College and Albion College are announcing they’ve developed an integrated program and transfer process to make the transition a lot easier, if not seamless.
KCC President Dr. Adrienne Bennings is announcing the new cooperative program with Albion College Provost Ron Mourad. The agreement between the two colleges is designed to facilitate transfers from KCCX to Albion which minimizes the potential loss of credit hours along with duplicating class information and requirements.
Albion’s Mourand says the agreement also allows students from some other regionally accredited schools to get the same benefits. Like all educational programs, the stipulations based on the agreement are exacting. Students will need to follow program guidelines and also meet general admission requirements in order to successfully transfer designated course credits. Administrators at both KCC and Albion stress they are ready to work with students to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Albion Provost Mourad says, “Since the beginning of the pandemic, students have experienced new challenges in their journey to degree completion. As an institution of higher learning, it is our responsibility to rise to the moment and create flexible pathways that remove barriers to academic success. Albion College is committed to a holistic model of support that allows every student to reach their potential. We are excited to build on this with the partnership of Kellogg Community College to create new opportunities for students to enroll and complete their degrees at Albion.”