Veterans Day Observance At Fort Custer In Augusta
What is now known as Veterans Day began as Armistice Day, when our nation honors the military veterans of the United States Armed Forces who defended our homeland. November 11th was chosen as the date, remembering when the hostilities of the First World War formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month of 1918. It was the day when the armistice with Germany went into effect. The tradition will continue when the annual observance takes place at the Fort Custer National Cemetery this November 11th with the toll of the chimes at 11 AM.
Just as the hour strikes 11 AM, the Vintage Warbird Hooligan Flight Team will appear in the skies with a flyover, passing over the hallowed grounds of the Fort Custer National Cemetery. The sacred 770 acres contain the remains of more than 40,000 veterans that served our nation.
Guests attending this year’s observance will be welcomed by Cemetery Director Andre Logan, and Col. Frank Walker, US ANG (Ret) will serve as Master of Ceremonies. The Keynote Speaker is Stephen Dotts, Acting Associate Director of the Battle Creek Veterans Administration Medical Center. The sound of patriotic music will be heard, and the ceremony will conclude with the moving Echo Taps, performed by LTC Nicholas C. Batch, JAGC, U.S. Army (Retired), and John R. Edwards, U.S. Army. The observance is open to the public and transportation to and from the parking lot will be provided to those in need.
One of Many Veterans Motorcycle Club
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